Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sunning in L.A., getting rescued by the bomb squad in Vegas and sex shops in the airport

Ah yes, another trip to the homeland. But I don't have time to write anything about any of that at the moment. So here's a random video instead.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

when guerilla marketing goes wrong

So I've got this great idea that will help us afford new uniforms...

The article about it on creative match is even funnier.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hello brings you a party, breakfast with the Americans and not watching the superbowl

Yeah, it's been another lovely weekend. (OK, I'm a little behind.) Friday night was the Hello party. Grand total: 2 police visits, 80 bottles of hard liquor consumed and rivers of beer, standing room only with many, many drunken people, surprisingly no scandals and a good time had by all.

Honestly, It was absolutely lovely. Met some new amazing people, got to hang out with people I don't normally and fell in love with my agency all over again.

Saturday I pretty much chilled - watched some movies, detoxed. Sunday I went to an expat brunch. I'm usually not a big fan of traveling to another country and hanging out primarily with your own countrymen, but here sometimes it is absolutely necessary.

Denmark has a few things that drive pretty much every American I know (and many English) completely bonkers, and if you don't get it out by talking to another American, you find yourself ranting to some poor bewildered Dane about the lack of a return policy or the non-existent customer service, and no one wants that.