Sunday, December 2, 2007

Hello Christmas

Only three days after dragging myself back from a lovely week in Chicago, I was back at Copenhagen airport. Yes, it was the soon-to-be-infamous Hello Christmas party in Berlin. Things I've learned from the trip to Berlin:

If you go with the right people, everywhere you go in Berlin looks remarkably like Ruby's on a Friday night.

Champagne is the true breakfast of champions

Everything you've heard about Danish Christmas parties is true.

You can go a remarkably long time without sleeping, even if you probably shouldn't.

I love the people I work with - every single one of them. It's obvious we all deserve each other. If you're reading this, I love you guys.

(Dreadful picture of me on no sleep and too much champagne courtesy of Jorgen Juul)


Kevin said...

cool jacket

JB said...

You look pretty damn good for no sleep. I am also sure you looked good the day before.

Cori said...

Aww, shucks.

(See, I am working on it.)